To take it deeper for me personally at this moment… “The only thing that can ever be lacking is more of me showing up in my system.”
So what am I missing? What am I still not getting? Or, more importantly, who is the one who needs to get it?
I’m in the contraction phase of life followed by the huge expansion at Breathcamp in Italy. So much is dying off and I feel all of it. I guess i’m in mourning in a way. Old versions of myself are screaming out as they burn off
When I worry or panic about money, health, career, etc. I’m in my head and not my heart. I’m swimming in delusion and disconnecting from my body. Lies
She’s solid, stable, and secure
She’s at the depths of my being unwavering
I feel her in my belly and in my pelvis knocking. She’s buried underneath so many stories and old belief systems but there’s a glimpse of her light and I breathe her open
She’s worthy, She’s powerful. She’s pure
She’s innocent
She’s unapologetic. She’s fierce
She’s tender, She’s wild, She’s free
She waits for all of the madness of incessant doing, running, fighting, and dramatizing to end
She wants no part of it because She already knows She’s perfect as is
In the stillness
Just beaming; letting life and love live through her effortlessly
She’s aligned with her true nature in balance and in flow. She dances outside the lines. She laughs
Her hands outstretched above her head, eyes closed, her hips swaying side to side to her own rhythm. She resides in my heart where she’s always been patiently waiting for me to join her
I surrender. I trust. I let go
I breathe open into this space igniting HER flame and birthing this new moment together as ONE